hello, start reading here.

golf cart chillin'.

Ever heard of The Villages, Florida? No? Well, feast your eyes on the below.  It's all the rage for retirement: Haagen-Daz, Palm Trees and the highest percentage of golfcarts on any given street at any given time. Ever.
And my grandparents now reside in this very place.
Dad and my sweet Meme (grandma) being cute.

Momma and her "favorite son-in-law".

They. Are. Everywhereeeee.

Oh, you didn't know he played? Well, he does. Just look at him....

Really busting out the Garth Brooks on the ol' ivory keys.

Jk, he can't play. Nor can he or I take ourselves seriously.

A sweet and sunny new abode.

YES, there is a surfboard AND a hula girl on/in this golfcart.

We'll be back Villages, even though you'll force us "under 30s" to swim in the family pool.  We'll be back indeed.


Unknown March 7, 2012 at 2:29 PM

Just came across your blog...I am your newest follower!!

~Miss Raquel


Mr. & Mrs. D March 8, 2012 at 11:33 PM

Great blog! I understand the newly married, teaching job, and living in the south side of things! Change is an adventure :)



Melissa March 12, 2012 at 11:18 PM

HA, HA that bromance picture is too funny. Never been to the south but would love to go!

Looks like a fun time!