hello, start reading here.

meet jacqlyn.

You know what's wonderful on a lazy Monday evening by the fire?

A really great blog.
(...And leftover pumpkin scones.)

Since I can't eat a scone with each of you, 
I bring you Jacqlyn from Plain and Fancy

Believe it or not, Jacqlyn and I actually know each other.  A rarity in the blog world, I know.   Prepare to be amazed but... we danced together on our high school dance team for years.  Believe it.

Why you should adore Jacqlyn's blog

She has a wonderful sense of wilderness and adventure, a pleasantly optimistic life outlook and well-written posts that leave you excited for the next one.  She truly seems to "just make the best of everything".  
via (jaclyn's blog)
Want a shout out dedicated to your blog? Contact me.

1 comment

meme-and-he November 23, 2011 at 5:39 AM

she has an adorable smile! going to check out her blog...
happy thanksgiving girl!