love at first pedal.
And the kid in me is alive again.I have a new bike. But it's not just any old bike.
It's an ocean blue bike. And it looks like an antique. (The grandma in me loves this, duh.)
My newest, most favoritest toy is complete with a coffee cup holder and a rack for toting the latest delectable treasures from Trader Joe's.
I will only allow ONE test drive. |
Pefect for cafe en la bicicleta. |
Blurryness, iphone photo. SORRY! |
Now, I feel like THIS all of the time.
Stay tuned for pictures of this beaut complete with a latte and bouquet of flowers. I don't even care how cliché that is.
Lovely. What a cool bike!!! And Joe's t-shirt is hilarious. I approve of this blog post for multiple reasons. :)
Thanks, Kelli! We may or may not have just purchased FOUR Michigan shirts between the two of us :)
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