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happy list.

Hi friends :) So, I got this "Happy List" idea from this really great blog and she has encouraged me to create my own happy list.  Thanks for the cute idea! :)

Below is what is making me happy, right now, today.

1. Wedding pictures.  
We just got our discs today, and I'm so ecstatic. I'll share soon!
2. A bouquet of baby blue hydrangeas.
Just can't get enough, as evidenced by the photos.  So gorgey, right?

3. Homemade snickerdoodles.

4. A fresh haircut.

5. Pineapple greek yogurt.
Just bein' real. It's a love of mine. Tastes like dessert but loaded with protein (this is important in a vegetarian's world).

6. Drinking coffee from a REAL mug.
So simple, but so cherished.  Since I'm normally guzzling my daily coffee from a travel mug while teaching Math to a bunch of ten year-olds, I really love, love when I can drink it from a real mug. 

7. Baby pumpkins.
You could probs play I-Spy with the miniature pumpkins in our apartment.

8. Framed photographs.

9. A bag of white rice.
Yes, you read that correctly.  I dropped my phone in water while doing the dishes.  CLUMSIEST GIRL ALIVE. A bag of  rice saved the day. New hero.

10. Time for reading.

What is making you happy today?


Natalie September 28, 2011 at 10:58 AM

I love your list! So exciting about your wedding pictures, I can't wait to see them. Also, those hydrangeas are gorgeous. One of my favorite flowers!

Unknown September 28, 2011 at 11:07 AM

Thanks so much! They're my favorite too. They were all over our wedding! I just couldn't help myself :)

Sharde September 28, 2011 at 1:56 PM

the hydrangeas look awesome! my bffs wedding is having white ones everywhere. im so excited to see what her wedding looks like, im just more mad that i can't make it! :( but this made me smile. :)

i made a craft idea up in my head today so thats making my smile. otherwise, its basically a crap day so im trying to smile about some more things!

sharde @ the style projects

Natalie September 28, 2011 at 1:59 PM

Hello Ashley my sweet! Thanks for dropping by my blog! I'm so glad you did, because now I'm here!! I love your happy list! Those hydrangeas are beautiful! I've been wanting to plant one for ages, so I can fill my house with them! Hope you're having a wonderful week!
OXO Natalie

Unknown September 28, 2011 at 7:26 PM

Sharde: That's exciting that you have a new idea! I'll have to check it out! :)

Natalie: Thanks for the hydrangea love. Believe it or not, those were pretty cheap from Trader Joe's. My husband bought them as a surprise over a week and a half ago and they're still going strong. Only now, they're bluer. LOVE.

Lindsay Rondo September 30, 2011 at 12:45 AM

i love hydrangeas.

and a fresh haircut always feels good.

my bff is in town, that is what is making me happy!
