hello, start reading here.

summertime in (northern) michigan.

An entire week of laying in the Michigan summer sun,
singing along to summer jams on the boat with dad,
tubing, kayaking, canoeing, floating, swimming to your heart's merry content,
spending lazy evening by the fire with the company of fireflies and s'mores,
and soaking up every minute of much desired family time.
We'll be back next week with a serious tan and a...wait for it....PUPPY!

healthy summer recipes.

If there's one thing I've learned in the first year of marriage it's that I love to cook and I love to eat food that makes you feel good.  There's nothing like knowing exactly what's in the food I'm eating and exactly how healthy it is for me.  This doesn't always mean that you're going to spend hours in the kitchen.  And while I'm no expert, I've decided to share some of the things us Blossom's have been eating.  Keep in mind that I'm a vegetarian who eats fish sometimes and that Mr. Blossom is a meat-atarian who eats like a vegetarian sometimes.  He's a good sport. :)

Notes:  Super quick and super delicious.  We used a combination of chicken and tofu for this one.  I'd recommend making the 4 servings (even if there's only 2 of you) and packaging up some for lunch the next day.  It's that good.  Add brown rice instead for an even healthier touch.  Warning: You may have to buy some Asian-y ingredients in order to make this the first time but it's totally worth it!

Notes:  First of all, if you've never had hoisin, buy it anyway.  It has a somewhat barbecue-y, smoky, awesome flavor and you'd be crazy not to like it.  This recipe takes a little more time to prepare but I would definitely make it again, especially because the salmon cooks so quickly.  Don't forget to use some fresh cilantro in place of lettuce...yum!  I served oven roasted fries with this and it was a pretty stellar meal. 

Notes: EASY, EASY, EASY! Make this tonight!  If you like white fish and you're not making it on a regular basis, you should be.  It's healthy, quick and super easy to prepare.  I loved this meal because it was filling yet refreshing.  It will probably make a regular appearance around here.  Because I'm a dork who likes to bake, I bake our bread homemade each week (it's cheaper and SO easy!).  I like to use this recipe and this is the same bread I used in the salad.  Not to mention, this is also a great way to make use of almost-too-old-to-eat bread.

To cook the tilapia:
-Spray a non-stick pan with cooking spray and bring to medium heat
-Sprinkle both sides of tilapia with seasoned salt 
-Cook tilapia on both sides for 3-4 minutes or to your preference
-Serve and enjoy! Seriously, that's it!

Since I'm not some expert chef with a fancy, schmancy food degree, please understand that these recipes are found elsewhere and properly cited.  The photos are my own and the recipes are the genius of other impressive people.  They are not my ninja-cooking/creating-recipe skills.  Believe me, if they were (and when they are), you'll know. :)

Monday Mail.

Today's Monday.
Normally, people think that sucks, but I am blessed to receive a chain of five hilariously entertaining emails every Monday from some of the best people in the world.  And that makes Mondays much, much better.

Who are these ladies? My college roommates.

Lindsay: My roommate every single year of college.  We shared every piece of clothing and pretty much functioned as an old married couple.  I made the coffee, she cleaned the bathroom.  We ate far too many Lean Cuisines for dinner and pulled one-to-many miserable all-nighters in the library.  Now? She rocks it out working for National Geographic in Washington, DC.

Jamie: This girl is one heck of a good story teller.  Her and I lead Bible study together and I even sorta wrecked her car one time.  She forgave me and told me it was no big deal.  She even taught me that tall, awkward girls CAN run.  Now? She works for Teach For America in Nashville and does her part to make sure all lil' kiddos get an opportunity to learn.

Julie: The first time I met her I wondered if there was a more amiable yet funny chica on the planet.  There isn't.  She introduced me to the joy and wonder that is the East coast and stuck up for me when I couldn't stick up for myself.  She even spent a few Michigan Thanksgivings with my family. They adore her.  Now? She pretty much runs a hotel at the age of 23 in New Jersey.  Legit.

Chelsea: We once spent 20dollars making possibly the worst and biggest fail of a dessert called "tiramisu".  This lady loaned her first floor cozy bedroom to me for hours of studying on end because I lived in the chilly attic.  Her and I have even faced the threat of a bat invasion together.  I still owe her for that one! Now? She lives in Michigan, loves her job and just married her best friend!

Erin: Funny people come in tiny packages.  I was so thankful for her after long walks home from class when I knew I could find her at home ready for heart-to-hearts paired with CSI and too much tortilla chips and hummus.  My favorite memory of her? That time she found a dead mouse by the microwave when trying to make oatmeal.  Took it like a champ.  Now? She's almost in her 3rd year of law school in Boston!

The worst part about having a beyond amazing family of college roommates is saying goodbye.  Our last night as roommates, we spent the entire evening crying, giggling, exchanging gifts and sleeping on the SAME air mattress. SIX GIRLS.  I kid you not.  I know we'll always call each other our "roommates" until we're 75 chatting over coffee and moseying throughout MSU's campus like it was just yesterday that we lived in dumpy college houses and ate endless amounts of popsicles on the roof...just because we could.

These girls make me laugh to tears and feel blessed beyond belief.  Thank you for being exactly who you are. :)
Happy Monday!

Dads are awesome.

These two men are some of the greatest men in existence and I happen to be related to them.
That guy up there? That's my Dad.  And that's us, one year ago singing Celine Dion at the top of our lungs.  Not much has changed over the years.  

Dad, you are the best Dad to two little girls that you could have possibly been. We love you very much!
Poppa (my sweet Grandpa), I am so blessed to have grown up with you so close by.  You are near and dear to my heart.  Love to you today!


What do I love about these people?

For starters, let's address that none of us are making even close to normal faces in any of these.  We tend to take life less than seriously.  THAT is what I love about these people.

Happy Wednesday! :)

why you should go camping.

You should go camping because, you can...

+Chop down trees in a Paul Bunyan sort of fashion. Tiny ax included.
+Sleep in a tent and be woken up by the steady sound of morning rain.
+STILL have delicious fresh ground coffee. :)
+be surrounded by trees.
+Study weird looking bugs/milipedes/gross creatures.
+Cuddle a frog.

Are you convinced yet?
Bring friends, a tent and some snacks.  That's all you need. :)


Fish taco amazingness. Recipe to come.

Mr. Blossom being awesome at playground-ing.
Yoga Wednesday, Favorite Wednesday.
ATL sunset. 

I have been gone forever and a day, it seems.
Well, sit back and prepare for a blog-a-thon because I am FINALLY on summah vacation.  Don't hate, you could have one too.  Become a teacher. BAM.
Or...you could just appreciate these life photos via instagram?  Okay, cool. :)

one whole year.

It's been one whole year and I still feel like the luckiest girl out there.

Thank you, Joey, for loving me despite my awesomely bad kitchen dance moves, constant supply of not-so-funny jokes and consistent inability to close any cabinet/drawer ever.  You have been my support system, my biggest cheerleader and my closest friend.

Because of you, I can say that I get to have my pie and eat it too. :)
Here's to many, many more!

(Why pie, you ask? Well, that's another story for another day.  I will tell you that we are of the opinion that pie's way better than cake anyway.)